Hello to our Readers!!バイバイ
How have you been? It's been a while since our last blog entry. Michi and I have been realllllllllllllly busy!! lol!! てへぺろ
Today I wanted to teach you a "1 Point Lesson!" キラキラ
I'm sure you have heard the question, "How would you like your steak?" when you go to a restaurant in a foreign country. (Rare, Medium or Well-done)ステーキ
But, have you ever heard the question, "How do you take your coffee?" You would hear this when visiting a friends or relatives house for tea. コーヒー
Common answers are:
- Black, please.
- With (1) cream and (1) sugar, please.
- With 2 creams and 1 sugar, please.
- Just sugar/cream, please.
And, I heard in Australia, some people also say "White". (only cream/milk) びっくり
Give it a try next time!!!!! You can do it!!!!グッ
By the way, I got myself a new coffee mug recently. I often make myself a cup of coffee/tea in the morning, but don't have time to drink it all in one lesson so it gets cold. So, I got a thermal mug to keep it hot for a few hours and it really works!!!! 爆  笑 
See you next time!! Have a great weekend!!!!ウインク