Hanaのブログ -48ページ目
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The best day of my life!!!

0(^ ∇ ^)0 o(^▽^)o



昨日はVersailles のコンサートでした!!!


Kamijo, Hizaki, Teru, Yuki と Masashi わ おんとに すごい でした !!!! *u*

Fine, sorry for my bad Japanese u.u

but I can tell that I was so happy... june 13 2010- the best day of my whole life!!

I love you so much! I was waiting for that concert for many years!! since I know Versailles in fact^^ but, before, the simple idea of Versailles in mexico was only a dream. But, I am really happy because my dream turned into reality^^ I love Versailles!!!

I touched Hizaki, Teru and Yuki at the concert!!!! and I was crying (/TДT)/ I cried at all the Hizaki´s solos, I really think he is the best guitar player!!! and also Teru^^, I cried at his solo in reminiscence, and I was really criying so much at Serenade, but with the change of song, to God Palace I was so happy... what a change xDDD

I really enjoyed the live

thanks Versailles!!!!

now I love you more than yesterday, but less than tomorrow (?) o(^-^)o




poupee *u*

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