Good evening to our Readers!!ニコ

Hope you all enjoyed the beautiful weather today! It's already starting to feel like Summer eh!!

Today was my first "full" Saturday at The LINGO Language Club. I knew it was going to be a busy day so I made sure to have a proper breakfast at home, my morning coffee and (I don't usually, but) I picked up a Red Bull for an extra shot of energy this morning on my way to work. グラサン


Mayaと学ぶ today was a little challenging but my students handled it very well. Good job everyone!! 

Later in the afternoon, we also had Lady's Chat. I enjoyed some good conversation with some really pleasant ladies. We also had some chocolate cake for tea time. Mmm...もぐもぐ

I'm ready for a day off tomorrow to recharge my batteries. See you next week!!!爆笑
