Hello to our Readers!!ニコニコ

Hope you all had a nice weekend. It was kinda cloudy, rainy and humid eh. チュー

On Sunday, the Happy Hikers went on a challenging journey through the Rokko Mountains.グラサン 


We started out with a tough climb through prickly bushes up to our shoulders. The hot and humid weather made it quite a hard start but we soon reached a break spot and fueled up on our Trail mix. ニコニコ

Since the forecast was calling for rain later in the afternoon, we only took a short rest and continued on our journey up towards the Gokurakuchayaato Viewpoint on Mt. Rokko. 

I guess these are a kind of wild hydrangeas?

Group shot at the viewpoint!!ウインク

Amazing greenery!!

This really surprised me. Did you know they have special garbage cans especially for hikers?びっくり

It was so hot. We had to be very careful not to get heat exhaustion. I love Pocari Sweat. 照れ

Shortly after this happy group shot was taken and we were just 5 minutes from reaching our goal point, we came across a sign saying that because there was dangers of a landslide, we had to take a detour up another mountain. ガーンガーンガーン

キラキラキラキラキラキラGo HAPPY HIKERS!!!!!!キラキラキラキラキラキラ

We were all exhausted......えーんえーんえーんえーんえーん

Nice, calming, fresh running water though. 

Finally at 4:30pm, we reached Arima Hotsprings and took a well-deserved break. 爆笑

Our hiking trip on Sunday was one of our Top 3 challenging hikes. So you can imagine how good this beer at Tajimaya tasted when we finally arrived in Motomachi at 6:30pm. 照れ

And just to show you what our day was like, here is the data from my 万歩計 application on my iphone. びっくり


Lol!! Good job Happy Hikers. It was a tough hike today but you guys are great!!! I look forward to our next hiking trip!!!ウインク

Have a good week!!!
