Hello everyone.


How are you today?

Did you survive the incredibly hot weekend?


Today I have some information regarding our July schedule. For those who already have a newsletter or read the information on this blog: We moved the Guy Chat from July 29th to July 22nd.


One more time:

Guy Chat Friday 22nd 19-20:50 2500 yen (one beer and snacks included)

I have a nice surprise again for beer, so please join if you are free.


The other Chit Chats will be as usual:


Tuesday Chit Chat: Every Tuesday 13-15:50 3000 yen (1 drink included)

Saturday Chit Chat: Saturday 9th 16-17:50

Lady`s Chat: Saturday 16th 2500 yen (sweets set included)


Take a chance to practice your English communication skills.

