Good evening to our Readers!!黄色い花

How have you been? I hope you had a nice long weekend!!! What did you do? My family just stayed in Kobe and browsed around in the nice cool air conditioned shopping malls. 照れ

Today, my student was telling me about the recent Grand opening of the East Park "Urban Park" area. Have you heard about it? Most city parks have lush green grass and maybe a fountain or two. But, for a lonnnnnnnnng time, Kobe didn't have one. BUT!!! Now we do!!!!ヒマワリ

You can take a look at a whole bunch of pictures on their Facebook page here.


Maybe someday, we can do an outdoor English Chit Chat or something there.  Of course when the weather gets cooler. グラサン

Good night!!! See you next time!!!ちょうちょ