Good afternoon to our Readers!!!ニコ

How are you? It's slowly becoming more like Autumn everywhere. But wow, it's really hot and humid today. I hope you had a good weekend!!太陽

On Saturday, the Happy Hikers set off on our first hike since May. The check points for this course were:

Hankyu Mikageキラキラ-->Mt. Jumonjiキラキラ-->Uchikoshiキラキラ-->Uchikoshi Tougeキラキラ-->Meisuke (pond)キラキラ-->Kazabuki-iwaキラキラ-->Mt. Kinchouキラキラ-->Hokura Shrineキラキラ--> Hankyu Okamoto Stationキラキラ

With a large group of 17 people, it was a full day adventure through cedar trees, muddy patches and bushes. 霧

There were a few signs of Autumn in the mountains this hike. Lots and lots of mushrooms. Especially red ones!! Eeek!!キノコキノコキノコ

This hike, we came across a lot of forkroads and the team turned to our maps several times to confirm our way. The Happy Hikers eventually found our way to Meisuke pond. Good job team!!チョキ

Finally it was lunch time!!!!お弁当

After lunch our course was all downhill. Nice and easy. And lots of nature and fresh mountain air. くま

Then we reached our main checkpoint of the day!

Look who greeted us at the top!! Awwwww!!キラキラ

Group shot!! I love this picture!!!ほっこり

It was another great hike with lots of fun people!! Thank you to all who came. I hope you finished your homework page. Let's make plans for another hike-perhaps the last weekend in October. Maybe a Halloween hike? ハロウィン

Take care!!! See you again!!!ウインク
