Good evening to our Readers!!もみじ

How have you been? The last few days have been quite cool. I guess Winter has come so take care of yourself!!!ウインク

This Wednesday some students and I headed to Arima for our Photo Walk event. It was a pretty chilly day and there was a cold north wind but we had a pleasurable day together. Here are some pictures that we took!カメラもみじイチョウ

Some Japanese maple leaves. もみじもみじ

The fountain where the Kappa stands near Arima station. キラキラ

A cute Maneki Neko at the entrance of a souvenir shop.猫

At a well where we were able to taste natural soda spring water. What a very interesting taste....アセアセ

Autumn leaves on a stairway. (I edited this photo a bit with Instagram to bring out the colors better. )ほっこり

Japanese pompous grass. キラキラ

And finally some trees with a little contrast of color.もみじ イチョウ

I hope you enjoyed the photos!! And if you are interested, we will have our Photo Walk event again sometime in a couple months. Hope you can join us next time!!!ニコ

Have a great weekend!!!もみじもみじ
