Good evening to our Readers!!音譜ニコ

How are you today? Hope you haven't been too busy in the first couple weeks of December.キラキラ  

On Saturday, the Happy Hikers set off early in the morning for our Ashiya Rock Garden--->Mt. Rokko Course. The weather was typical December weather. Highs of 12 degrees and lows of 6. A little chilly but we had a long way to go!!! ほっこり




Our first destination was Ashiya Rock Garden. I guess in this area, wild boar are quite common, but we didn't see any today. There are two routes to choose from on this course. The one to the left is a very challenging route where ropes and special gear are necessary. The one on the right is the more common route. Our group chose to go right. ウシシ



Look at the view of this gorgeous landscape!!!ラブ



 Our second check-in point was Amagatoge. We started around 8:30 today, but at this point, it was already around 12:30 noon. And!! It wasn't even lunch time yet...笑い泣き



It was a little challenging course from here...... "Come on!! Let's do it Happy Hikers!!!"ニヤ


Finally we reached Ikkenjyaya which was where we were planning to have lunch.  Whew.... finally. We were starrrrrrrrrrrving......おーっ!ゲラゲラ笑い泣き




After lunch we climbed a little bit higher to Rokko Sancho. Wow, what an awesome view!!!キラキラ


Wow, we walked 931m to the peak of Mt. Rokko!! Nice work Happy Hikers!!!ウインクチョキ

What an awesome group shot!!! ねー

From there, it was mostly downhill towards Kinenhidai where we enjoyed a nice warm coffee break.... with cake..... and ice cream..... and potatoes..... pudding.... beer.....and octopus...... ほっこりプリン


We finished todays course around 4:45pm at Rokko Cable station. What a great day again with our fun bunch of hiking members. It was the last hike of 2016 but I look forward to all of our journeys next year!!!!イヒ

Thanks for reading!!!! 霧