Hello to our Readers,

Happy New Year!!!


New Years marks a new beginning.シャンパン

New people to meet, new adventures to take, and new memories to create. キラキラ

Michi and I would like to wish you all a happy, healthy and prosperous year!!!!!キラキラ


What did you do for the holidays? I'm guessing that some of you went home to your hometowns with your families? Did you eat lots of rice cake? イヒ


Here are some things that we will be asking in your lessons for the next couple weeks:

1. What did you do for New Years?

2. What are your New Years Resolutions?

3. How would you like to improve your English this year? (Grammar/Speaking/Vocabulary/Listening/Writing)


And to start of the year I have an invitation for you to join our very first PHOTO WALK for the beginning of the year. Since the weather is going to be pretty cold for the next few months, we will try to stay indoors as much as possible. On Saturday, January 14, we will be going to SUMA AQUARIUM. If you're interested in joining, please talk to me or Michi for the details. Hope you can come!!!!!


Take care and see you soon!!! 今年もよろしくお願いします!!