Hello to our Readers!!ニコニコ


How have you been? It's been pretty cold these past few days. I hope you are keeping warm somehow!! I actually enjoyed the snow on the weekend very much. When it snows outside, the cold weather doesn't really bother me. I wish it would snow more often!! lol!!爆笑


Here is a new phrase for you today:

The earlier, the better!!

Have you heard this phrase before? It means that it is better if you finish things as early as possible. Some students said that their New Years Resolution this year was to stop procrastinating. So this phrase has been very popular lately. At The LINGO Language Club, we are planning to get things done as early as possible this year too. And, guess what!? The February Newsletter is already finished!!!!!! You can see the details here if you'd like to know our schedule right away. http://profile.ameba.jp/cafe-lingo/

Have a great week!!! See you next time!! Take care!!!!!ウインク