Good morning to our Readers!!チューリップ

How have you been? It's me, Maya! お久しぶり~‼ What have you been doing these days? I've been teaching the weekday regulars as usual, greeting new students who are starting to study English from this Spring, running over to the new Opa 2 shopping center in Sannomiya to check out the shops and also, I've been shopping around for some Spring clothes. I need to find a Spring jacket still..... I hope I find one soon!!!!ほっこり

 Today, I have a 1 Point Lesson for you. This season in Western countries, a lot of people start to get excited because the long cold winter comes to an end.  We say, "I've got Spring Fever!!!" (=I'm so excited for Spring!!!) But recently, when I say that to my students, they ask me, "Are you okay? Did you see a doctor?" They get a little confused and think I have a temperature (38 degrees Celcius) OR that I have "HAYFEVER" . (allergies) 

I'm fine!! Don't worry!! I'm just very excited for SPRING!!!!ウシシチューリップガーベラクローバー

Here is a photo for you of a cute little white-eye that was on my balcony recently. He's cute isn't he!!キラキラ


See you next time!! Have a great weekend!!!ウインク
