Hello to our Readers!!ニコ


How have you been? We hope you all had a nice relaxing New Years. 

This message is a little late, but Michi and I would like to wish you all a happy, healthy and prospersous New Year!!キラキラ We look forward to helping you improve your English skills this year too!!! Please tell us about your New Years Resolutions in your lessons this month. ほっこり


Today, I wanted to let you know about our plans for our newest event, "The Lunch Club".ご飯


Date: Tuesday, January 29th

Time: 12:30-15:30

Fee: 500円 (trial fee) + lunch

Place: Vecchio Labo (OPA 2 9th floor)


We are planning to go to a restaurant in the Sannomiya area every 4th Tuesday of every month for The Lunch Club.

And after enjoying lunch together, we will come back to LINGO for some coffee and free conversation (Chit Chat). 

If you like eating and chatting, then this is the event for you!! ウシシ

This month, we are planning to go to one of my favorite restaurants called "Vecchio Labo" in the OPA 2 building. I am a big fan of their Farmer's Lunch. I hope you can join us!!! If you think you can come, please let me know by Monday, January 28th at 13:00. ナポリタン

Hope you can join us!!!ルンルン

Have a good week!!