永さんは魚のエイに関連するグッズをたくさん収集なさっていらっしゃいました。私が永さんにプレゼエントした「エイのカラー魚拓」も気に入ってくださりご本人の著書の1ページにその写真入李記事を掲載したくださいました。私にとって忘れることの出来ない思い出となりました。 合掌
I was sorry to hear about the passing of Mr.Rokusuke Ei,Japanese songwriter.Let us hope his walk close with God.
His family name EI means Ray fish in English.
He had been collecting many kind of related Ray goods in his life.
One day I have presented him my original fish print of Ray.
He had included my art print in his book.