はぴねす!☆ | 「Queen Bea 」❣    

「Queen Bea 」❣    

A fake diary of a j-rocker bored。 (  ̄っ ̄)

Diary of koki, june 13, 2012.

Lumos, good night~

I'm soooooo happy. о(ж>▽<)y ☆
Because, my favorite band of k-pop will come to Brazil! I'm so excited for this!
When I knew that I was a little sad because I thought it could go.
But my mother said, "Calm down, I'll take."
I cried a lot. Of joy!
The band will come to Brazil, called Big Bang.
It is one of the most famous bands of k-pop.
I like very much of them, and I think that would go into depression if I was not.
But what matters is that I'm going!
And I'm very happy about that!
And how is my mother who will take me, I'll just spend money on the ticket!
Damn! I'm so happy, so happy! (^ε^)♪
In contrast, last Tuesday I twisted my foot in Physical Education.
He turned so much that he listened to "creck".
It hurt so much.
I went to the hospital today.
My foot has a slight twist.
But now no hurts. Not so much.

After I write more.
