甘い会議 (=⌒▽⌒=) | 東京lovelight


Shiharu no Ameblo

Today I met with Kyo (o^-')b
and we spend it really well!!!! (`∀´)
we laugh a lot making really silly things!! にひひ
we ate ice cream of Yoguen Fruz ヽ(゜▽、゜)ノ
I ♥ it!!
but al can't to be perfect... 'coz my mother
scold me when I arrived to my house ( ̄^ ̄)
I hate her! 'coz she've a strange problem
with ME!!! ヽ(`Д´)ノ and this is 'coz
I'm the younger daughter (。>0<。)
and I hate it!!!! 'coz she OVERPROTEC MEEE!!
and by this... she never let me met with
people who don't know it
Is REALLY frustrating φ(.. )

well... Today has been a REALLY cute day
greetings for mi Heat ♥ and Kyo :3
well... tomorrow I think that I'll go to the Hide's house!!
*O* And I'll see Megu ♥ and Heat :3

well~ See u ☆彡