
























(YouTube) Rare footage of Marilyn Monroe playing Badminton





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(wikipedia) Fire Island














Marilyn Monroe on Fire Island, 1955

While the Greenes visited Italy in the summer of 1955, the Strasbergs invited Marilyn to their rented house on Fire Island, a long and narrow outer barrier island adjacent to the south shore of Long Island. During summer months, many Manhattan residents escaped from the city to the quiet beaches of Fire Island or Long Island. 

The Strasberg family arrived with Marilyn by ferry on Friday afternoons and spent the weekends. As no private vehicles were permitted on the island, Lee led the caravan of Susan, John, and Marilyn pulling little red wagons filled with books and food along the boardwalks to the cottage near Ocean Beach. Under a black umbrella, Paula wore a large hat and sunglasses for protection from the sun. Marilyn ran around barefoot with no makeup and shared a room with Susan. On occasion, she’d cook for the family. 

Despite having lived in Southern California all of her life, Marilyn achieved a bronze tan for the first time. James Haspiel noted that her skin glowed the entire summer. Marty Fried, an orphan and former boxer who drove a cab while he studied acting, and who later became a successful director, joined the Strasbergs and Marilyn. They also welcomed Delos Smith, Jr. from Kansas, who later co-starred with Jack Nicholson in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975). Marilyn frequently gave Delos strange gifts, like a makeup mirror or bootie socks from an airplane. With Marty, Marilyn 
shared stories of her experiences in foster care, prefacing them by saying, “Please stop me if you’ve heard this one before.” 

One morning at dawn, Susan awoke to the sound of sea gulls. She opened her eyes and noticed Marilyn’s bed was empty. Lifting her head from the pillow, Susan saw her standing nude in front of the window. Rather than interrupt Marilyn’s pensive mood, Susan simply watched and admired her friend’s beautiful body from behind. Sensing eyes upon her, Marilyn turned. Susan felt embarrassed and gushed, “Marilyn, I’d give anything to be like you.” “Oh, no, Susie,” Marilyn whispered in horror, her brow furrowed, “Don’t say that. I’d give anything to be like you. People respect you.” 

A few weekends later, Marilyn prepared dinner. She began by unwrapping a chicken Paula had brought from a market in the city, and burst into tears at the sight of the carcass. It took the entire Strasberg family to calm her. Afterward, Marilyn explained she had always purchased poultry already butchered into pieces so that she could not recognize it as a bird that had been killed for human consumption. 

During weekend escapes to Fire Island, Susan brought along her sketchpads, paints, brushes, and pastels and allowed Marilyn to experiment with the pastels and watercolors. 
Marilyn sketched a little African American girl in a raggedy dress with one stocking falling down and titled it “Lonely.” In long, quick strokes, she drew a full-figured female with catlike eyes and wrote beside it: “Life is wonderful, so what the hell.” Susan considered the pieces Marilyn’s self-portraits. 

John Strasberg enjoyed confiding in Marilyn during the laidback jaunts to Fire Island. She was one of the best listeners he knew. When Marilyn was able to relax, she changed into a “soft, lovely” woman with a “sweet smile and good, full laugh.” Strasberg most remembered her wide, frightened eyes.

COPYRIGHT 2014 Gary Vitacco-Robles 
ICON: The Life, Times & Films of Marilyn Monroe, vol. 1.