The month of March is:

- the end of winter
- the end of the fiscal year
- the month when many businesses are very busy
- the month when many students graduate
- the month of many business transfers

And, the one I dislike the most is:
- the month when I have to say many goodbyes

I have met so many good, kind people at Cafe LINGO. Working here makes me so happy everyday- It's one of my favorite places to be!! But, this month, every year, there are so many people that I have to say goodbye to. Some people have been transferred for business. Some people are starting new jobs. Some people are moving away for school. And, some people are moving to stay with their family's. It's one of my least favorite months of the year.

But!!! Don't worry!!

I am an OPTIMIST!! It is a time to say goodbye, but at the same time, I look even more forward to seeing these people again someday!! And, of course, I am also looking forward to all of the new people I will meet this year as well!! There is a popular saying in English, "When one door closes, another one opens." I wonder if you have a similar saying in Japanese?

Anyways, to all of you who are moving this Spring, please keep in touch!! We will miss you at Cafe LINGO, but we will always remember the fun conversations we had!! Take care and be sure to visit us again someday!! ニコニコ
