Hello to our Readers!!黄色い花

Wow, it sure is a nice sunny day today. I hope you are enjoying the sunshine instead of the rain!!! Now, it's starting to get hot. It's a no win situation isn't it. 晴れ

Today I wanted to show you photos from our Photo Walk Club on Sunday. This event is for people who enjoy taking pictures and are interested in learning more about photography. 
The weather was perfect- sunshine, blue sky and a nice gentle sea breeze. For our first event, we decided to go to Suma Rikyuu Park. ハチ
Thanks for the nice picture M.S.!!!キラキラ

We were first greeted by some beautiful roses. The season is a little late for roses but I found these little 'ladies' still blooming gorgeously. ラブラブ

Next it was time to walk over to see the hydrangeas. I think the beginning of June is the peak season for hydrangeas but we were lucky enough to see some. あじさい

Here are some of my favorite photos. ラブラブ



Here is a picture of the fresh green Japanese maple leaves. I love the color contrast against the bark on the tree. ラブラブ

One more rose!ピンク薔薇

And for the first time in a long time, here's a nice group picture. クローバー

Thanks for coming to everyone who joined. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. We will definitely go on another Photo Walk later this year when the weather gets cool again!!カメラ

Thanks for reading!!! Have a nice weekend!!!晴れ
