Hello to our Readers!!!!ニコ

How have you been? I hope you are enjoying the nice cool weather. It suddenly got cool though. I hope you don't catch a cold!!!もみじ

On Monday, October 10th, a group of us went to Oji Zoo for our Photo Walk event. The weather was gorgeous!!! With blue skies and sunshine, it was a perfect day to take pictures!!カメラ

I will share some of my favorite shots with you. ウインク

First we spent some time near the entrance of the zoo by the flamingos. Look at this next shot. Can you tell what this flamingo is doing? I like the ripples in the water! ほっこり

Then we headed towards the koalas and the red panda. Luck was with us today and we were able to see some of the koalas, wide awake!!! So cute!!! コアラ

I also like this picture. This little guy looks so fluffy!!!コアラ

Next it was time to see the Red Panda!! This is my most favorite picture of the day. ピンクハート
Red pandas are so cute!!!!キラキラ

Cute monkey!!猿

My favorite animal at Oji Zoo!! The hippopotamus!ハート

Sparrows enjoying the sunlight.オカメインコ晴れ

Ladies, thank you very much for coming!! I hope you enjoyed he day and I hope you will be able to join us again next month!! ウシシ

Take care!!! See you again!!!!!キラキラ
