Good evening to our Readers!!

How are you? Hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather we've been getting!! Hay fever season is almost over. That means that Golden Week is just around the corner!!!キラキラ

This past weekend, the Happy Hikers got together for our first hike this year. It was a simple course because we wanted to go easy on ourselves since a lot of us hadn't been getting much exercise the last few months. ほっこり

From Shin Kobe, we hiked up to Nunobiki Falls. The spring air was so refreshing. クローバー

It was such a beautiful day!! +18 degrees and only SUNSHINE and blue skies for the whole day!!!☀️

Next we made our way up to the Ichigahara area. Time for a group shot!! ほっこり

Look how small we look in the forest!! イヒ

Shortly after, it was time for lunch at Futatabi lake.お弁当

Look at the wild azaleas (not Saizerias!!)ゲラゲラ So pretty!!

We enjoyed a nice long break at Futatabi Park. If you've never been there, I highly recommend it. It's a nice place to spend a Sunday afternoon. ウインク


It was now time to head back to Shin Kobe. Here are some pictures we took along the way back. 

Did you know Japanese maple trees had flowers?ガーン

A gorgeous view of Kobe port. ラブ

Here's our last group shot just before arriving back at Shinkobe. ウシシ

And here's a neat panorama shot that my daughter took. ウインク

After arriving back in the city, it was time to go to our final destination....

You guessed it!!  TAJIMAYA!!!!!ぶちゅー

Thanks to all of the Happy Hikers who joined us today. It was nice to go hiking with you all again for the first time in a long time. Let's go again soon!!! 🌲🌲🌲

Have a nice week everyone!!ニコ
