石盤葺(せきばんぶき)講習会 in 雄勝 | Japan Storytelling Project ―ジャパンストーリーテリングプロジェクト―

Japan Storytelling Project ―ジャパンストーリーテリングプロジェクト―



Sekiban Thatched Roofs (Sekibanbuki)


On November 9, 2014 we participated in the Sekibanbuki workshop at the old Kuwanohama elementary school in Ishinomaki City, Ogachi-cho, which is in Miyagi Prefecture.


Sekibanbuki is an art/technology that uses thin slices of Genshoseki (a type of stone) for making a roof. It was employed from the second half of the Meiji era (1868-1912) to the Taisho era (1912-1926) and used to make the roofs on a lot of western style buildings. It is called natural Suretobuki (slate roofs).  Ogatsu, Ishinomaki is considered one of the best places where this stone is produced. The stones from Ogatsu are used in cultural heritage buildings around the country.  

 最近では、震災後、東京駅 赤れんが駅舎の屋根がこの技術を使って修復されました。
Recently, after the (Great East Japan) earthquake, the roof of the famous red brick building of Tokyo Station was repaired using this art (Ogatsu Sekibanbuki).


The repair work involved 200,000 tiles of stone for the roof, which were all transported from Ishinomaki.  (Volunteers and professional Sekibanbuki experts came to help recover stones from the houses that were destroyed in the tsunami.) Each stone was checked, washed, and separated for reuse. When this was finished, the stones were transported. 65,000 stones were determined to be reusable and shipped to Tokyo (along with some additional new stones).


“The Ogatsu Gakko Saisei (School Reuse) Project” is focused on Kuwanohama elementary school. Since last year, they have been using this (Sekibanbuki) technology to repair the roof. 


This workshop was made to show how the Sekibanbuki technology works.


Sasakisan was pleased to tell us about how to make the Sekibanbuki. First of all, the roof (or a wall) is carefully measured to determine where to place the stones.



From there, the stones are cut and shaved to be the right size and design.

It is a difficult task to distinguish by eye the places to cut the stone.


The thickness is determined, a hole is drilled, and the stone is attached to the wall or roof.


In this picture you can see the various kinds of tiles: Ichimonji Buki (straight-edged tile), Uroko Buki (a scaled tile), Hishi Buki (a diamond tile), Kikko Buki (turtle backed tile), and Hamaguri Buki (a shell shaped tile).


In 2005, Miyagi Prefecture certified Sasaki Shinpei as a nationally recognized technician for the conservation of Sekibanbuki technology. However, there is a shortage of materials and successors who can follow in his footsteps. A major challenge now is to find a way to save Sekibanbuki technology.


Little by little, (thanks to Sasaki Shinpei) people are learning this technique again. Otherwise, with the problems of depopulation that exist today in Japan, this technology will become lost from Japanese culture.

Story and Photographs by Satoko Hayakawa

Translated by Keith Goldstein 












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Japan Storytelling Project