6月本公演、金曜日の前売りチケット完売しました! | Kaoru Ikeda/MoustacheCat Dance

Kaoru Ikeda/MoustacheCat Dance

Welcome to the NYC based Kaoru Ikeda/MoustacheCat Dance's officila blog!
ニューヨークを拠点に活動するダンスカンパニー, 髭猫劇場こと”マスタッシュキャットダンス”と主宰のKaoru Ikedaのブログです。





6月14日と15日のマスタッシュキャット・ダンスの本公演、なんと14日(金曜日)の前売りチケットが事前予約も含めて完売しましたびっくりびっくりびっくり 当日券はほんの少ししかお出しできないかもしれませんので、ご了承のほどよろしくお願いいたします。



土曜日のチケットは残席がまだまだございますので、ぜひこれからお越しをお考えの方は、こちらからチケットを購入していただくか(https://moustachecatdance.brownpapertickets.com), info⭐︎moustachecatdance.org(⭐︎を@に変えてメールをご送信ください。)まで、お名前とチケット枚数(土曜日のみの取り扱いになります)をご記入の上ご連絡ください。





Kaoru Ikeda/MoustacheCat Dance presents  “Freedom isn’t Free”

Date and Time: 14th(Fri) 8PM(Door Open 7:30pm) , 15th(Sat),7PM( Door Open 6:30PM)

Place: Downtown Art, 70 East 4th Street, New York, New York, 10003

Admissin:$15, (Senior and Student discoutn with ID: $5 at the door, CASH ONLY) 

(Advanced Ticket for Friday night are sold out)

Tickets: https://moustachecatdance.brownpapertickets.com

Reservation(Highly recomended, Only for Satruday): info@moustachecatdance.org

Event information, please visit:

http://moustachecatdance.org http://www.facebook.com/moustachecatdance https://www.facebook.com/events/441831763058605/



*Freedom isn’t Free has been granted funding from Asian Women’s Giving Circle which is a donor advised fund of the Ms. Foundation for Women.
The Asian Women Giving Circle (AWGC) is the first and largest giving circle in the nation led by Asian American Women. AWGC believes culture is an essential part of any strategy for social change.

*Freedom isn’t Free is made possible in part with public funds from Creative Engagement , supported by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council and the New York
State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and administered by LMCC.

LMCC empowers artists by providing them with
networks, resources, and support, to create vibrant, sustainable communities in Manhattan and beyond.