春待ち: A stroll through 新利府 Mall | that rinda's blog

that rinda's blog


桜  ALMOST but not quite SAKURA SEASON  桜



It's coming. 桜


It's coming.


Spring is coming. 桜


It's getting closer...




I have to wait a little bit longer. 桜



In the meantime 


I think I'll amuse myself 


by walking around 


the big Aeon mall in Rifu. 



If I can't see real cherry blossoms yet (in Miyagi-ken) 桜 


at least 


I can enjoy 桜


looking at 


cherry blossom goods and displays. 桜






 Sakura pasta ラブ (one of the ingredients is Japanese beets!!)





I really love the store names too. ラブ


Some are cute and sweet. 


Others are... キョロキョロ




lovely Japanese Engrish. ウインク




??????  ウインク



Hmmm....おねがい   チョコレートに生まれたということ?? 



キョロキョロ I'm pretty sure, no, I'm 100% sure, this $1500 bag will not bring any happiness to me or my family!!! びっくりマークびっくりマーク



Some days I need this shirt!!



Amazing!! 目




Will a $75 steak make you happy?? 


What do you think?? ウインク


What do YOU think?? 

As predicted, there was no answer. 笑い泣き



In closing, all I have to say is...


If you are thinking about going to college,


you should choose an honest one. グッグッ


Until then,


happy wandering 


at the mall!! 爆  笑


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ありがとう!!!  Smile


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